Medical Physics Dosimetry: Quality Assurance

By undertaking quality assurance, the ultimate aim is to ensure accurate radiation dose delivery to a pre-defined clinical volume (target) within a scheduled time.

To ensure this quality, our service is principally concerned with fulfilling the recommended physics, technical and equipment conditions that constitute and satisfy regular optimal performance parameters that assure treatment execution as dosimetrically planned.

Some typical undertakings are included in the list below which is non-exhaustive and typically adaptable to local conditions/scenarios:

Linear Accelerator Q.A.: Photon and electron outputs, Photon Tissue Phantom Ratios measurements, Electron Energy Ratios + Electron "Cut-out" dosimetry for Relative output factors, Wedge Ratios, Dose monitor unit linearity, Diode consistency checks, MLC consistency checks, Imaging Devices (e.g. EPID) QA, Film vs Radiation checks, Film processing, scanning, analysis, Photon + Electron Flatness and Symmetry checks, water tank measurements and analysis.
Patient-specific dosimetry QA, CT Q.A., TLD reading & calibration.

The experience offered includes state registered HCPC Clinical Scientist and Medical Physics Expert (MPE) levels.

services we offer:


Medical physics radiotherapy treatment planning and equipment quality assurance.


Custom medical software and applications.

Online Solutions

Medical web design and programming.


Medical devices and consumables.

some testimonials:
  • Many Thanks!–B. Jacobs, Director -

  • We are impressed by the exceptional skills and professionalism that our department has been shown in support of our ongoing radiotherapy clinical service. –T. Procter