Medical Physics Dosimetry: Treatment Plan Checking
Our treatment plan checking (+planning) service is provided to assure compliance with the clinical prescription, target, local protocols and any intended directive from the prescribing oncologist. This is also achieved whilst observing the recommendations from the International Commission on Radiation units (ICRU) and guidelines from national bodies such as the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR). The aim being to ensure safe and optimal treatment plan release for delivery by the present equipment (linac).
The plan checking (+planning) service is offered remotely by dedicated device(s) aligned to your systems (e.g. encrypted networked laptops), using virtual private networked environments such as Citrix. Therefore, all patient and TPS data remains local to your environment, only accessed for plan checking (+planning) remotely. We follow strict guidelines to ensure confidentiality and compliance with GDPR requirements and are registered with the Information Commisioner's Office (no:ZA441700).
The range of treatment plan checks covered include palliative/conventional open field dosimetry to conformal volume-defined based planning to more complex Intensity-Modulated radiation therapy (IMRT with Field-in-Field/control points) and the variants thereof (VMAT, RapidArc etc). This is offered for all current commercial treatment planning software (TPS) platforms (Pinnacle, Eclipse, Monaco/Xio, RayStation).
Our clients typically engage us to assist with business as usual (BAU) workload such that local resources can be committed to specialist and complex time-demanding activities. In addition, you will be able to enjoy a convenient and favourable pricing structure which is needs-based and on-demand unlike full time staffing/agency cover, as it is based on "per check" (or "per plan"), to your satisfaction and according to your workload needs.
The level of experience offered includes HCPC Clinical Scientist and Medical Physics Expert (MPE) levels with comprehensive insurance cover.
Some on-boarding sessions involving on-site learning with respect to your in-house systems, workflows, work instructions and optimal plan criteria will be necessary. We would be happy to discuss how we can accommodate your needs and look forward to working with you.
If you are interested in this service, please contact us.